Saturday, May 23, 2009

Well, it's only been three months since my last! I just wanted to let everyone know that I got a job! YEEHAW! It's within the State of Oregon - Department of Enviromental Quality. I work as the executive assistant for the Director of Water Quality. I start June 1, which includes a commute to downtown Portland. I am kind of excited about working in the heart of the city. It's is right next to Pioneer Square so you don't get anymore downtown that that, that is for sure! I look forward to keeping everyone updated.

Happy Memorial Weekend...hug a solider! xoxo K

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another weekend passes...David is heading to LA on Tuesday and then off to Palm Springs Friday to spend time with his parents. I plan to keep applying for jobs; I counted my applications, have applied for 30 in the past three weeks. We just keep our fingers crossed.

Other than that, just staying home and trying to do some house projects inside since the rain has came back. Although, Saturday it was almost 60 so David was able to spend some time on a golf course with a few of his buddies. I still can't believe the beautiful weather Oregon has had this winter season. Outside of the snow/ice storm in December, we are almost half the rainfall we would usually be getting this time of year. I did get the garage walls painted and the "crap" in the garage organized and in it's right place. For those of you who don't know, we had some chalk writing parties on our garage walls this past summer, it was fun however, doesn't have the same joyous affect six months later.

Well, off to finish watching the Oscars...I wish I would of watched Slumdog Millionaire before tonights award ceremony. We hope this finds you well....xoxo

Monday, February 16, 2009

Well, I decided to take the time to set a blog post so family and friends can be "in the know". I will try to keep it up to date on everything exciting going on in old Salem town. Currently Dave and I are 'plan free' except cleaning out closets and garages and what not. Dave leaves for L.A. next Tuesday (2/23) and won't be back until Sunday (3/1). He is so lucky, he is going to spend the weekend with his parents in Palm Springs.

My job search is moving along aggressively. I applied for seven jobs today and have 10 more to do by the end of the week. I am hoping to connect with Ann Kelly with the Hands & Words are not for Hurting project ( this week. She had a meeting with her Board of Directors so if we are lucky maybe they approved a budget for an Asst. Executive Director. Keep your fingers crossed.

Both Dave and I have been bit by the bug. It's not a very nice bug, super sore throat and runny nose, loss of energy, the whole nine yards. He has finally kicked his but I am still down and out. It's not as bad as it was the first couple days where you are literally bedridden but it's still annoying as all get out.